ot stories
Not the daily grind, just some notes about OT, family, and friends doing life

Our new boss!
Today our President's grandson came in for his "weekly inspection" and announced to everyone that he is NOW THE BOSS!!
We are blessed to be a family owned company where our friends (customers and suppliers) and family are always welcome to drop by. Thanks so much for being a part of our family and success, and when you get a chance, come by and see us and say hello to Knox "El Presidente".

The boys go to State
July 2019
The Springfield 5-6 year olds baseball team won their division and are now headed to state.
Nothing like a summer filled with family and friends enjoying being in the great USA, smelling all the food at the concession stand, drinking a Coca-Cola and watching boys play baseball. This is living.

OT in TN
October 2020
There are many wonderful things that have come out of TN; Country music, Goo Goo Clusters, Elvis, hot chicken (yummy), Gibson guitars, Jack Daniels, just to name a few.
Well now you can add another favorite to that name dropping list. OT dies and services. We are proud of the fact that we are a small family owned company in Tennessee and our customers can count on having some good ol' hospitality and great products from folks that love what they do, care about the people they serve and still believe that working hard to deliver on their promises is important.
Thanks to all of our customers and suppliers for being such a large part of our family. We could not do it without y'all.

Dies and Drives
October 2020
Even during a pandemic, not all is bad and life does go on. When you are part of a community, supporting its families and what they are involved in is just something you do. The Lady Yellow Jackets H.S. Softball team reached out and asked us for a little help in raising money for their team by being involved with their golf tournament.
Nothing more needed to be said. We were very glad to help and sponsored hole number 2.

Our QC inspector
January 2021
After much searching, we finally found an inspector that truly has a "NOSE" for quality. Admiral, our QC inspector, came from another job via the Springfield Pound. He says that OT is the best place he has ever been. It's not only that he loves his job, he says the food and camaraderie is fantastic.
If you are going through your dies and find an admiral hair, just know that it is his own personal sign of approval.

Take me out to the Ballpark
March 2021
It's once again that time of year. The sound of bats hitting balls, the smells of grills fired up with food, people standing and singing the national anthem and the laughter and cheers from the stands. OT is always proud to be involved in the lives of the next generation and because of our commitment to them and our community, we, along with a few others, have sponsored the G1 (God 1st) boys travel baseball team. It is a blessing to see the boys growing towards manhood and as a team, and expectations are high for a great season.
If you get a chance and want to come out and enjoy one of the many things in our wonderful country that adds to a great life, we would love to see you and share some stories, a warm afternoon, a burger or hotdog, a coca-cola, and a lot of celebrating life. Let's play ball!!

We will rebuild!
Bigger and Better!
April 2024
As most of you know, on December 9th, 2023 our facility was destroyed by a tornado. We could have sat around wondering "Why us", but we didn't. Within 4 days of the destruction, we had mobilized people and equipment to clear out of the facility and start the process of setting up in a temporary place. Why this laser focus you may ask, simply put, it is because we are totally committed to our customers and are always focused on ensuring their success. It took us just under 3 weeks to be back up and producing.
This rapid turnaround was only made possible by our customers, our suppliers and our whole OT family and friends. We can't thank everyone enough for the outpouring of support and understanding. We have always called our customers and suppliers part of our family and it sure was evident during this time .... "Family certainly took care of family"!! To you all, our most sincerest gratitude.
So where are we going from here? Well, now that the event is in our rearview mirror, we are focused on building back, with more space, more equipment and greater capacity. Once we are in, we will let everyone know and you all have an open invitation to come visit and "sit for a spell" as they say here in the south.
We are honored to be part of such a wonderful industry where supplier and customer work together to achieve great things. Thanks again to everyone. You are truly the reason for our success.

The process begins!
October 2024
We have started the process of getting everything in line to begin the build back. As everyone can tell, not only will it be bigger and better, but we have a newer design that it more contemporary and modern which reflects the industry we are in.
As mentioned before, once we have moved in, we will let everyone know and you all have an open invitation to come visit and "sit for a spell" as they say here in the south.
Thanks to everyone for hanging in here with us.